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Voices From The Balcony

Fyre Rises (2024) Review Jim Morazzini Fyre Rises is the story of Richard Fyre (Paul Marlon, War Blade, Renegades) who was once a killer in the employ of a clandestine agency of some kind. But after a mission against Russian sex traffickers went badly wrong, he turned pacifist....

HONORABLE MENTION @widescreenfest

The screenplay for 'Fyre Rises' won an Honorable Mention against over 17,000 entries at the WideScreen Film & Music Video Festival, hosting its 10th event in Toronto, Canada this October. We are very pleased to be recognised in such a prestigious International Event. widescreenfest.com...

Dir. Paul Knight wins Best Local Film

Fyre Rises writer & director, Paul Knight, accepts the award for 'Best Local Film' sponsored by the Romford Recorder at the Romford Film Festival hosted at the Premiere Cinema on the 28th of May 2024.   [embed]https://youtu.be/Do6BVa_Vd1o[/embed] The newly appointed Mayor of Romford, Roger Ramsey and Film Star...

Romford Film Festival Q&A

After a great screening of 'Fyre Rises' at the Romford Film Festival - we were asked to come on down for a Q&A - where we had a few of the cast and crew join us. [embed]https://youtu.be/8N1T9Fej14A?si=MH3GHVf6iolEPKz_[/embed]  ...