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One Fyre That Won’t Sputter Out

Fyre Rises Digital Release Review Cert 15 | 110 mins | 2024 4 Star One Fyre That Won’t Sputter Out. Independent writer/director/producer Paul Knight (24 Hours in London, Tomorrow Never Knows) brings us another dark story of what would you do for your family when push comes to shove....

Fyre Rises Review – An intriguing-story

December 03/2024 by Simon Henderson. I just want to start by mentioning that this is one of the lowest-budget action films I have watched in a good long while. I feel this is an important point to bring up at the beginning because it's relevant to...

Shoot The Breeze Show: S16E9 Paul Knight FYRE RISES!

A talk programme dedicated to films and television shows, presented by Marcus Ako, Laura Sampson and David Campbell, on Resonance 104.4FM  at 7pm (UK) on Fridays and repeats Tuesday 4pm. Marcus and Producer Dave shoot the breeze in the studio with the legend Brit Film Director Paul...

Voices From The Balcony

Fyre Rises (2024) Review Jim Morazzini Fyre Rises is the story of Richard Fyre (Paul Marlon, War Blade, Renegades) who was once a killer in the employ of a clandestine agency of some kind. But after a mission against Russian sex traffickers went badly wrong, he turned pacifist....

Dir. Paul Knight wins Best Local Film

Fyre Rises writer & director, Paul Knight, accepts the award for 'Best Local Film' sponsored by the Romford Recorder at the Romford Film Festival hosted at the Premiere Cinema on the 28th of May 2024.   [embed]https://youtu.be/Do6BVa_Vd1o[/embed] The newly appointed Mayor of Romford, Roger Ramsey and Film Star...